Poly-Ana VST/AU


Download: Poly-Ana 1.4.0 OS X AU and VST (32 and 64 bit) 51.8 MB
Download: Poly-Ana 1.4.0 Windows VST (32 and 64 bit) 43.5 MB

Download/Create:  Poly-Ana Custom Skins

Download/Create: Poly-Ana Backgrounds-only

Poly-Ana FEATURES  – Poly-Ana CHANGELOG – Poly-Ana DEMOS

Poly-Ana uses a different “brute force” approach compared to most other VA soft-synths which we feel delivers a sound more authentic to the early analog synths that inspired her features. Poly-Ana’s voice architecture is an ambitious combination of all the best features of the famous analog classics, plus a few unique and original features (totaling 210 controls). We held nothing back in designing our “ultimate analog dream synth”. Combine this with a classic-styled design that puts every parameter a single click away, with large, easy to grab knobs and switches that behave like the real-world items; and with no hidden drill-down menus so that each and every control is prominently displayed out where you can see it; Poly-Ana offers a true alternative for software synthesis. (And not only is it a synth, it comes with an effect version of the plug-in, Poly-AnaFX, included as well! Not only can you process incoming audio through the filters and amplifiers as many other classic and virtual synths offered, but you can also assign and manipulate the two audio input channels into modulation signals!)

Every instrument in this piece is Poly-Ana, by APZX.



Download: Poly-Ana 1.4.0 OS X AU and VST (32 and 64 bit) 51.8 MB
Download: Poly-Ana 1.4.0 Windows VST (32 and 64 bit) 43.5 MB

Download/Create:  Poly-Ana Custom Skins

Download/Create: Poly-Ana Backgrounds-only

Poly-Ana FEATURES  – Poly-Ana CHANGELOG – Poly-Ana DEMOS


Computer Music Magazine Performance Award
Computer Music Magazine Performance Award

Read the complete CM mag 9/10 review…

“There are a lot of VAs out there but Admiral Quality’s has the advantage of offering stellar quality at a reasonable price. If you love your analogues, it would be a crime not to experience what it has to offer.” – CM Mag.

Get ready for a new experience in virtual analog synthesis! Poly-Ana uses a different approach than most other VA soft-synths which we feel delivers a sound more authentic to the early analog synths that inspired her features. This “brute-force” method admittedly requires more processing power than other common techniques, but is a far truer model of the functioning of real analog instruments. If you obsess over the quality of your sound like we do then you won’t mind using a bit more CPU power to help get you closer to that real analog sound; a sound that so many other VA synths fall too-far short of. (Note that Poly-Ana also offers Quality and Anti-Aliasing controls to allow for lower CPU usage during performance-time at the expense of sound quality.) Poly-Ana’s voice architecture is an ambitious combination of all the best features of the famous analog classics, plus a few unique and original features (totaling 210 controls, plus a full 5 octave velocity sensitive virtual keyboard!) which, while possible back in the day, would have been prohibitively expensive to implement in hardware. But as a software-only product, Poly-Ana doesn’t face these limitations, and we held nothing back in designing our “ultimate analog dream synth”. Combine this with a classic-styled design that puts every parameter a single click away, with large, easy to grab knobs and switches that behave like the real-world items; and with no hidden drill-down menus so that each and every control is prominently displayed out where you can see it; Poly-Ana offers a true alternative for software synthesis.

100% Poly-Ana, even the drums! By The unshushable Coktor.

Check out Poly-Ana’s FEATURES for a list of what’s unique about the Poly-Ana voice architecture.

See Poly-Ana’s CHANGES list for the long (and ongoing) history of the maintenance and improvement updates made to this product. And remember, our Upgrade Protection Policy means that your license purchase is good not only for version 1.x of Poly-Ana, but for the entire 2.x series as well! Considering it’s been in version 1.x for over 11 years (and growing in capability all that time) that means it should be a very long time before we ever charge existing customers again for the same product. (We’re musicians ourselves and dislike that practice as much as you do!)

Don’t care for the default GUI/skin? We offer many other choices and you can even make your own, here!

Poly-Ana Custom Skins
Poly-Ana Custom Skins

Not the type who wants to wrangle with hundreds of controls but you like the sound? L’il Poly-Ana, Poly-Ana’s preset playing little-sister with the exact same great sound might be right for you, and you’ll save some money too!

L'il Poly-Ana 1.13
L’il Poly-Ana 1.3.4


Looking for Poly-Ana sound program patches and banks? We offer them completely for free, in the Poly-Ana Patch Exchange.

What’s it sound like? Download it, try it, and hear for yourself! It runs for free as a demo with no time limits, you can even save and recall your work! But if that’s not convenient right now, here’s a page of POLY-ANA DEMOS you can check out.

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